Table/Grid view for a quick and effortless browsing experience.

The Table/Grid view lets users browse your inventory with a quick and easy-to-use tabular view.
So, why wait? Adjust your website with the handiest tool for a diamond/jewelry website.

For more details, visit the links given below:​​

Demo Link:-

Provides a tabular view for displaying your product catalogues. It has a customised UI/UX and was designed primarily for diamond stocks, but it works well on all other inventories as well. The table view addon is a systematic technique to improve your user experience.

A WooProduct Table View can help you organise your product catalogue.
This single table view is yet another of the most well-organized and visually appealing choices for your product category page. It is primarily developed to improve user experience, and its table grid view excels at it.

200+ various devices and browsers were tested.
WooProduct Category table view for Diamond/Jewelry websites has been tested on over 200 browsers and devices.
It is compatible with all web browsers and is adaptable to varying screen sizes.
As indicated in the image, you may examine how it looks at various screen sizes.

It includes a quick view. pop-up window for a more thorough product view.
Woo Choice Bundle table view plugin also includes a fast view pop-up that takes consumers directly to the product information without leaving the page.
Using multiple paid extensions, you may add additional elements to this screen, such as a 360-degree movie or diamond properties charts.
This widget gives your product page a clean and austere design while also improving the user experience.

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